What is the Living Room Experience
At the heart of The Living Room Experience is a mission: the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Guided by the promise of Acts 1:8, we believe, as it says, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you shall be witnesses.” This gathering is all about that power—a power that isn’t just received once, but renewed over and over as believers seek to be continually “filled.” Our focus is training, activation, and impartation, encouraging believers to cultivate a lifestyle of unending filling.
We hold monthly worship gathering held on the 4th Saturday of each month. It’s a blend of fellowship, worship, group discussions, and teaching. Our goal is to create a worship culture centered on ministering to the Lord, just as Acts 13:1-2 describes: “While they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said…” We believe something powerful happens when we Learn HOW TO MINISTER TO THE LORD.